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      Frankincense 10ml


      Until the cool of the day

      When the shadows flee away,

      I will go my way to the mountain of myrrh

      And to the hill of frankincense.

      Botanical Name: Boswellia carterii

      Note: Base Note

      Part of the Plant: Resin (Gum)
      Country of Origin: Somalia
      Extraction Method: Hydro-Distilled 

      Aromas: Austere, Earthy Balsamic, Camphor-like, Spicy, and Soft lemon.

      Frankincense oil is from the genus Boswellia and sourced from the resin of the Boswellia carterii or Boswellia sacra tree that¡¯s commonly grown in Somalia. Frankincense has been associated with many different religions over the years, especially the Christian religion, as it was one of the first gifts given to Jesus by the wise men. Frankincense oil stands out as being most beneficial, including terpenes and boswellic acids, which are strongly anti-inflammatory and protective over healthy cells. 

      Primary Benefits: 

      May help fight cancer and deal with chemotherapy side effects

      Astringent and can kill harmful germs and bacteria

      Protects skin and prevents signs of aging

      Improves memory

      May help balance hormones and improve fertility

      Eases digestion

      Acts as a sleep aid

      Helps decrease inflammation and pain

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      Avoid putting oils into your nose, inner ears, eyes, broken skin, or other sensitive areas.

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      Pregnant women should avoid ingesting and topically applying undiluted essential oils throughout pregnancy. Instead, try inhaling essential oils or adding them to a diffuser.

      ÀÓ»êºÎ´Â ÀӽŠ±â°£ µ¿¾È Èñ¼®µÇÁö ¾ÊÀº ¿¡¼¾¼È ¿ÀÀÏÀ» ¼·ÃëÇϰųª ¹Ù¸£´Â °ÍÀ» ÇÇÇØ¾ß ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ´ë½Å, ¿¡¼¾¼È ¿ÀÀÏÀ» ÈíÀÔÇϰųª µðÇ»Àú¿¡ ³Ö¾î »ç¿ëÇϼ¼¿ä.

      To minimize skin sensitivity, dilute essential oils using a carrier oil.

      ÇǺΠ¹Î°¨µµ¸¦ ÃÖ¼ÒÈ­ÇÏ·Á¸é ij¸®¾î ¿ÀÀÏÀ» »ç¿ëÇÏ¿© ¿¡¼¾¼È ¿ÀÀÏÀ» Èñ¼®Çϼ¼¿ä.

      Make sure to store essential oils out of reach of children. You¡¯ll also want to keep your oils away from excessive light or heat, as this can alter the chemical properties of an essential oil significantly.

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      Always supervise essential oil application with your children. Because children have more delicate skin, it¡¯s a good idea to dilute oils before applying them topically.

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      If you have specific health concerns, consult with your doctor before using essential oils.

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